NCFE CACHE Level 2 Certificate for the Children and Young People’s Workforce (England)
What does the qualification cover?
This qualification is designed to help learners build the knowledge and skills needed when working under supervision with children and young people from birth to 19 years of age. It covers a diverse range of job roles and occupational areas working in children’s settings including early years and social care.
It is also a must-have for all those undertaking the Level 2 Children and Young People’s Apprenticeship.
Who is it suitable for?
Anyone who wants to work, or has just started to work in the children and young people’s workforce.
What are the entry requirements?
You should be at least 16 years old. We do not set any other entry requirements but colleges or training providers may have their own guidelines.
How many credits are required to complete it?
The Certificate requires 35 credits.
How is it assessed?
It will be assessed by your tutor or assessor using a range of methods. This could include direct observation in the workplace, a portfolio of evidence, written assignments or a task.
Do you need to be working to take the qualification?
Yes, you will need to be working, volunteering or on practical placement as you need to show competence in both knowledge and skills.
How long does it take to complete?
You can usually complete it in a year or less.
What related qualifications can you progress to?
It provides a direct progression route to the Level 3 Diploma for the Children and Young People’s Workforce as they share a number of units.
You might also like to look at our suite of Early Years Educator qualifications. Learners completing an Early Years Educator qualification will have been trained to the highest of standards, equipping them with the best early years qualifications available. These are now the must-have qualifications for all those wanting to work at Level 3 with children from birth to five years of age, and will provide the full and relevant status of being an Early Years Educator.
Funding for our qualifications
Find out more about funding for this on the Funding page.
Which type of job roles can you apply for on completion?
• Assistant Pre-school Workers
• Assistant in Children’s Centres
• Assistant in Day Nurseries, Nursery Schools and Nursery Classes